I warmly welcome you to intellectual property management office website University of Nairobi. My message as the director is to give you brief insights into when the section was formed ,its mandate ,functions and to officially welcome you to protect your intangible assets/intellectual property that come from the research activities you undertake , whether you are researcher ,academic /nonacademic member of staff or a student at graduate or undergraduate levels
Establishment of IPMO section
University of Nairobi is a research intensive University that places great importance on Invention and Innovation. To protect intellectual property from the research output of researcher, staff and students the Intellectual Property Management Office (IPMO) was established in 2009.The operations of IPMO are guided by Intellectual Property policy of developed in 2006 and reviewed in 2013.
The mandate of the IPMO
- To protect the Intellectual Property Rights of the University, its innovators, inventors, plant breeders and research sponsors; and,
- To facilitate commercialization of inventions and creations through: creating linkages between inventors/creators with industry for collaboration in development and commercialization of their inventions/creations and facilitating technology licensing processes.
The functions of the IPMO include:
- Receiving disclosures for inventions and creations;
- Processing and filing with the relevant government offices; patents, Utility Models, Industrial Designs, Trademarks, Copyrights and New Plant varieties;
- Facilitating commercialization of inventions and creations through marketing and licensing; and,
- Carrying out sensitization and training on Intellectual Property protection and commercialization.
Invitation to Visit Our Offices
I welcome you as a researcher, Innovator, Inventor, Creative artist, Scientist whatever discipline across the University you research in to visit our office located at main campus, University of Nairobi Towers, 15th Floor or reach us on email, for more information on protecting your Intellectual Property.
Let us all protect our intangible assets and work towards transforming them to products and services that solve the society problems through commercialization and Entrepreneurial venture.
“Let the University wealth of knowledge, research outputs, Innovation and Invention transform our societies”.
John Maina Wagacha
Intellectual Property Management Office(IPMO-UON)